
The Family FUNdamentals BLOG/Travel/How To Work From Home

How To Work From Home

Saturday, October 08, 2022

Can It Really Be Done?

So many people ask us all the time: “How do you work from home?”
“Can you travel and work?”

The Gunzel Family at Shoshone Falls Park in southern Idaho.

Because there is such an interest in this integrated life, we wanted to dedicate a blog post to that topic.

If you are really interested in learning how to work from home, you want to start by making a list of the things you are really good at.

Next, make a list of the way you want your life to look. List those components of your life that you really want to make sure are included and that you aren’t willing to compromise on.

Jon Gunzel and Wyatt Gunzel at Dierkes Lake Park in Idaho

Then, design your life around those lists.

Wyatt Gunzel with a fish he caught all by himself at Dierkes Lake State Park in Idaho.

Jon and I offer complete professional personal and business coaching. Our Stories To Success System helps people design their business and lifestyle, but this will be a great starting point for you.

Think about these things:
What do you enjoy?
How can you offer value to the world?
What gets you excited about living?
Who do you want to help?
Why do you want to do anything?
When would you like to work?
Where would you like to work?
How much do you want to get paid?

When you answer all of these questions, you will have a pretty good idea and focus so that you can start designing the life you want.

Our Integrated Life

Jon and I decided that we wanted to homeschool our kids to meet our son’s Type 1 Diabetic needs.

We also wanted to spend time together, have an active lifestyle, travel, meet a lot of people, help a lot of people, and have a business that could go with us anywhere we have internet and a phone signal.

Jon Gunzel and kids at Shoshone Falls with an amazing rainbow

We like to teach, coach, write, explore, learn, and travel, so we built our life around that.

Jon and Trina Gunzel at the Craft and Commerce Convention in Boise, Idaho

Surround yourself with others that are leaders, growing businesses, and who may have similar interests, or similar passions.

Jon Gunzel with Seth Godin at the Craft & Commerce Convetion in Boise, Idaho

Mentoring, group coaching, individual coaching, and hands on learning are great ways to do that!

The Gunzel Family home as a team, working on the road #thisislivingright

Whatever your dreams are for your life, have the courage and dedication to make it happen.

You CAN have the life you want! You just have to do the smart work in the right direction.

Yes, it will take effort.

Yes, it will take dedication.

And YES, it will be worth it.

We coach our clients to design their life on purpose.

Many people want to read our recommended book list that got us all started, so I'm going into include that as a free gift for you here.

Get Your Free 51 Best Books List To Maximize Your Performance, Fast!

51 Books That WIll Boost Your Bottom Line:  A Free List Of Best Resources For Your Success

After you download the 51 Best Books List, you will get an offer for an amazing course that will help you improve your confidence and get you going in the right direction.

Master Purpose Secrets

This is Master Purpose Secrets:  Killer Opportunities, Your First Purpose, Discovering The Real You, Bringing It All Together, What Do I DO?, and KNOWING Who You Are

When you have your focus and Master Purpose, you can build your business based on that and we are here to help you every step of the way.

You may reach out to us directly and we can set up a coaching call to see how we may serve you at a deeper level.

With love, prayers, and encouragement for you,

Trina Gunzel

Trina Gunzel with Seth Godin at the Craft & Commerce Convetion in Boise, Idaho
The Gunzel Family with their 5th wheel and Truck at the start of their 50 in 50 Trip

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Talk to you soon! Exciting things to come!

Love, The Gunzel Family