Attention: Artists, Authors, Entertainers, Speakers, and Influencers!

We created a simple structure anyone can follow
to Convert Fans Into BUYERS
​without needing any software or running paid ads.

(and you can learn it in just 10 minutes a day!)

"The Life You Want, The Marriage You Want... The Family That You Want,
​Is Going To Be
Fueled By The Business You Build..." - Garret J. White

The Stories To Success System

Whether you've tried to build an online business or not, at some point you've probably experienced the struggle of having only part of the information you needed.

When that critical information finally pops into place, we get an "ah ha!" moment and we are able to progress until the next time we are missing data.

The Stories To Success System is designed to give you ALL THE CRITICAL INFORMATION you need to build, launch and enroll clients in your personal products.

This works for artists, authors, entertainers, influencers, and anyone who has a skill or an audience they would like to exchange in abundance with.

What is exchange in abundance?

It's you creating products that really make a difference in your clients lives and your clients paying you what you are actually worth instead of a crummy hourly wage.

It's exchanging your products with your clients who are thrilled you took the time to offer them help.

It's both of you winning and both coming out better for it! (we'll teach you how)

Whether you are a novice or expert or somewhere in between, you will leap to the cutting edge of product creation, marketing and sales in just a few short modules.

We know you don't have time to watch hours of training or read a stack of books, so we created each lesson to be less than 10 minutes, giving you exactly what you need and nothing you don't.

Whether you learn best from watching, reading or listening, we've got you covered in every lesson. Soon you'll be DOING instead of dreaming and building new flows of disposable income by teaching everything you know.

​Stories To Success is built from the ground up to be fun, fast and effective at connecting the best of you with clients who will love you for helping them in the way ONLY YOU can!

Here's What's Inside:

A Fantastic Foundation

Overview and Planning Module

Starting with the correct structure for success is THE most critical step in how your perform down the road.

Miss one of these and your progress grinds to a halt.

Take the time to set these up right and you'll 10x your gains before you ever write or speak a word.

  • Lesson 0.1 - Program Overview - 6 minutes
  • Lesson 0.2 Setting Up For Success - 4 minutes
  • ​Lesson 0.3 - A Consistent Stream Of Success- 4 minutes
  • ​Lesson 0.4 - Begin At The Beginning - 5 minutes
  • Lesson 0.5 - Creating Time - 6 minutes
  • ​Lesson 0.6 Setting Priorities - 6 minutes
  • Lesson 0.7 - Cutting The Confusion - 7 minutes

Master Purpose Secrets

Module 1.0

ADHD, Shiny Object Syndrome, Procrastination and more are all symptoms of chasing opportunities instead of living your unique purpose.

In this power packed module you'll discover your unique gifts, learn to package those gifts and leap out of bed every morning, ready to conquer the day!

Oh, and you'll know exactly what to do, teach, and build every day to ensure your future happiness.

  • Lesson 1.1 - Killer Opportunities - 5 minutes
  • Lesson 1.2 Your First Purpose - 5 minutes
  • ​Lesson 1.3 - Discovering The Real YOU- 6 minutes
  • ​Lesson 1.4 - Bringing It All Together - 7 minutes
  • Lesson 1.5 - What Do I DO? - 6 minutes
  • ​​​Lesson 1.6 KNOWING Who You Are - 6 minutes

Ideal Clients Declassified

Module 2.0

Get into your client's heads, speak their language and have them chasing YOU instead of you chasing them.

Ideal Clients Declassified unlocks behind the scenes thinking that finally makes getting clients natural and comfortable like never before.

You'll really understand how to help your clients get out of their own way so they can get the help they need.

  • Lesson 2.1 - Only The 3 Percent - 5 minutes
  • Lesson 2.2 Come On Baby, Light My Fire - 3 minutes
  • ​Lesson 2.3 - Creating Frankenstein's Monster- 7 minutes
  • ​Lesson 2.4 - Let's Hang Out Together - 6 minutes
  • Lesson 2.5 - 100 New Clients Just For You - 7 minutes
  • ​​​Lesson 2.6 Creating The Chain Reaction - 6 minutes

The Success Story Formula

Module 3.0

Your story is the key to opening the door to your clients heart, but ONLY if you tell it right.

You'll learn to tell your story in the perfect way for every situation, be that from the stage, on-line or in person.

Connecting with clients using this formula netted me $75K in 3 days from posting one video on Facebook.

(I wasn't even good at it and had read my printout into the camera!)

  • Lesson 3.1 - Your Greatest Gift - 6 minutes
  • Lesson 3.2 The Success Story Formula - 28 minutes 
  • ​Lesson 3.3 - Vulnerability Is KEY- 4 minutes
  • ​Lesson 3.4 - Talk The Talk So THEY Can Walk The Walk - 5 minutes
  • Lesson 3.5 - The Cure For Diarrhea of the Mouth - 7 minutes
  • ​​​Lesson 3.6 Connecting Your Story - 10 minutes

Brilliant Branding

Module 4.0

What do you do? Who do you work for? What is your business?

​Finally you'll have a solid answer to these questions you are proud to share.

Avoid the pitfalls of branding and choose the correct business name, social media accounts, domain names the first time.

Be able to shift gears and future proof your business by building a structure you can sell off someday when you decide to move on.

  • Lesson 4.1 - Why Do I NEED A Brand - 6 minutes
  • Lesson 4.2 Predicting Your Best Brand Name 7minutes 
  • ​Lesson 4.3 - The Power Of YOU!- 6 minutes
  • ​Lesson 4.4 - You - Version 2.0 - 7 minutes
  • Lesson 4.5 - You're The Bait - 5 minutes
  • ​​​Lesson 4.6 Converting To Cash - 9 minutes

Perfected Products

Module 5.0

Exchange in Abundance is the BEST!

To Exchange, you must first have a Valuable Final Product to exchange for your client's money.

Here's where YOUR creative ideas finally become reality for you and your customers.

From free gifts to masters level programs, the Master Product Framework, will have you creating amazing products in a blink!

  • Lesson 5.1 - What IS A Product? - 4 minutes
  • Lesson 5.2 - States Of Creation - 6 minutes 
  • ​Lesson 5.3 - Before You Can "HAVE" A Product- 7 minutes
  • ​Lesson 5.4 - Product Creation Framework - 9 minutes
  • Lesson 5.5 - The Cure For Idea Overload - 12 minutes
  • ​​​Lesson 5.6 Product Delivery Sequence - 9 minutes

Effortless Enrollment Secrets

Module 6.0

The moment of truth for any business is getting the customer to make a purchase.

Instead of high pressure sales, we use a friendly low pressure conversation to truly understand our clients needs and deliver the EXACT solution to their problem.

You'll be making lifelong friends with your new clients and they'll be thanking you for letting them buy your products!

It's effortless when it's done right!

  • Lesson 6.1 - The ART Of Enrollment - 5 minutes
  • Lesson 6.2 - Communicate With Confidence - 4 minutes 
  • ​Lesson 6.3 - Creating Interest With Ease- 7 minutes
  • ​Lesson 6.4 - The Enrollment Conversation - 8 minutes
  • Lesson 6.5 - Your Honor, I Object! - 8 minutes
  • ​​​Lesson 6.6 Money In The Bank - 6 minutes

Bonus #1 . . .

Live Small-Group Q&A Coaching With Jon and Trina
($1,998 Value)

You'll get six, LIFETIME ACCESS to our, weekly live Q&A coaching calls to get YOUR questions answered personally by us, Jon or Trina Gunzel, live on the calls.

Solve personal issues and blast away roadblocks by working with us in a small group of 20 people or less.

You'll get the benefit of learning from the group in a safe and intimate setting where we support each other and learn from our wins and losses together.

​You'll be able to get tough questions answered faster and have a greater impact on the world because you'll be solving problems with us in person instead of sitting and waiting for a solution to find you.

​The best part is, as long as you are part of the Stories To Success Family, you'll have lifetime access to these calls included for FREE!

Bonus #2 . . .

The Stories To Success Vault
($397 Value)

This collection of the best live call recordings holds the secret to get the very best of training and experience from members who have "been there and done that" ahead of you.

You'll be able to build quick confidence and learn from others mistakes instead of making your own.

By gaining access to the most behind-the-scenes struggles and victories of some of the top consultants in their industries you'll always feel like your ahead of the game instead of one step behind.

Bonus #3 . . .

Two Tickets To:
(Value = $997 each)

You and your guest will join us LIVE and in person at STORIES TO SUCCESS LIVE!

Our live event holds the secret for you to get hands on help building the business of your dreams.

You and a friend will have the best opportunity to get your questions answered LIVE and in person.

AND, you'll have access to Jon and Trina LIVE to get your specific problems solved.

Finally, you'll make connections with the brightest up and coming members of our community and take advantage of opportunities offered NOWHERE ELSE!

Our Dream Is To Help Make Your Dreams Come True!

Get The #1 System to

Build The Ultimate Freedom Friendly Business

and Discover YOUR Unique Master Purpose


​The Stories To Success System!

(no matter if you're totally new or a seasoned business owner)

Here's What You'll Get:

In The Stories To Success System with Your Coaches: Jon and Trina Gunzel:

  • ​Module 0.0 - A Fantastic Foundation ($397 Value)​​​
  • ​Module 1.0 - Master Purpose Secrets ($997 Value)
  • ​Module 2.0 - Ideal Clients De-Classified ($1,497 Value)
  • Module 3.0 - Success Story Formula Training ($1,797 Value)
  • ​​Module 4.0 - Brilliant Branding Program ($497 Value)
  • ​​Module 5.0 - Perfected Products System ($1,908 Value)
  • ​Module 6.0 - Effortless Enrollments Masterclass ($1,997 Value)
  • ​​BONUS #1 - LIFETIME ACCESS TO Live Small Group Coaching Calls ($1,998 Value) INCLUDED FREE!
  • BONUS#2: - Access To The Stories To Success Live Coaching Vault ($397 Value) INCLUDED FREE!
  • BONUS#3: - 2 Tickets to Stories To Success LIVE ($997 Value) INCLUDED FREE!

Total Value:

But Today, You're Getting All Of This . . .

For Only $4,997

Still Unsure?


We believe in you!

We know you're made for more!

We know you're READY to turn your Story into a Success!

Here's What Our Clients Are Saying About:

© 2024 Jon and Trina Gunzel - Best Educators LLC |Gunzel Family Brands - All rights reserved

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