Tuesday, October 18, 2022
There's a huge misconception that you must have a huge advertising budget when you are starting out and that's simply not true.
It's more important to get the fundamentals down of running your own business first, then expand your business through advertising.
If you have a solid foundation, you are increasing your chances of being successful in your business.
We teach people who dread Mondays to create their dream life, instead.
It's possible to start your own business based on your skills and talents, even if the only time you have during your day is your lunch break.
This is the method I used to generate $8,000 in six hours and what I teach my students to do through my business building program.
It is a duplicateable process that is based on figuring out your true purpose and applying it.
(Don't worry, we teach that, too)
1. Know exactly what you are an expert in that you can teach others.
2. Have a specific program, process, or method you design clearly defined that you can share with others.
3. Reach out to influential people you think would be a great fit for your program.
4. Have a way they can pay you by credit card so you can enroll them on the spot.
Now, once you have that in place, you want to reach out to even more people so you can serve a bigger audience.
The more people you help, the bigger impact you will make, and you will be able to start solving bigger problems.
(and having more fun!)
These are proven strategies that are highly effective for building your business, that do not require any paid advertising:
If you want to get started on a solid foundation and learn more about how you can grow your business offline, Join our FREE Family FUNdamentals community (click the button down below) that will help you understand how you can get more confidence to make changes in your life.
Then, you will have the opportunity to schedule a coaching call with me directly, and I will work with you to clarify your vision for your life and have a path and plan to get there.
It really is possible to live your dream life.
You just need a path and plan to get there.
Don't know how to make it happen but you have the desire to start your own business?
We've got you covered.
Let's build your solid foundation and you will learn the advertising strategies when you're ready to scale, smart.
Wishing you wealth and love,
Trina Gunzel
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Talk to you soon! Exciting things to come!
The Gunzel Family
© 2024 Jon and Trina Gunzel - Best Educators LLC |Gunzel Family Brands - All rights reserved